How to Remove a Tick

The most important thing to remember when dealing with ticks is PAIR: (Product, Avoid, Inspect, & Remove).


Contact your veterinary clinic to discuss the best set of parasite prevention products for your pet’s lifestyle. It’s important in Nova Scotia to have your pets on a product year-round as we no longer have a real winter. It does not get cold enough to keep ticks away throughout the “winter” months.


Keep your grass cut and stay away from tall grassy areas whenever possible. Avoid tick endemic parks and areas as much as possible.


Do a tick check on your pets and yourself! A tick check should be done after any time spent outside around tall grassy areas where ticks could be questing. Do a full head to tail rub down on your pet; make sure you are getting right down to the skin with those long-haired dogs!

How to Remove a Tick

  1. Step 1 – You should have the proper instrument for removing ticks. We typically have these at the clinic at no charge. Stop by anytime to get one!
  2. Step 2 – Choose the most suitable hook, according to the size of a tick.
  3. Step 3 – Engage the hook until it is held between the prongs of the remover.
  4. Step 4 – Turn the hook until you feel that the tick has detached. Make sure the mouthpieces have been entirely removed.

More information.