Senior Care

Supporting your pet through their golden years with specialized care and monitoring.

The health of your pet can change quickly as he or she ages, and the older they get, the more likely they are to develop diseases common to aging humans, such as diabetes and heart disease. Regular check-ups with your pet’s veterinarian are important to catch early signs of disease, discuss nutrition and exercise recommendations and help develop a treatment plan if diagnosed with any medical conditions.

When does a dog become a senior?

There are many different factors that go into classifying your dog as senior. Age seven is the common number used to classify a senior dog, but factors such as a dog’s size or breed can have an influence on when they can be considered a senior dog. Larger breeds tend to have a shorter lifespan or overweight animals can have their longevity reduced if it is not controlled, making their senior age sooner than seven. Your veterinarian can help you determine which age your pet falls into the senior category.

What are common senior dog health issues?

Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, dental disease, and cancer are just a few of the many diseases your pet can develop as they age. Early prevention is key to a lifetime of good health – detecting early can prevent disease and minimize suffering.

How should I care for my senior dog?

You know your pet better than anyone else and can alert us of any changes before they become serious. Many of the diseases can have minor symptoms or show no symptoms at all until they become more advanced. If you notice any changes in your pet’s weight, appetite or elimination, behaviour, skin and coat, or mobility, contact your vet. Early intervention is important, so it is best to schedule routine check-ups and preventive diagnostics such as blood work to establish a baseline for down the road when any abnormalities occur. Nutrition and exercise can also play a key role in keeping your senior pet’s health.

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