Nail Trimming and Ear Cleaning

Our nail trimming and ear cleaning services for dogs contribute to their overall well-being.

Grooming our pets not only strengthens the human-animal bond, but it can also help us to discover any potential medical or health problems early. Routine nail trims and ear cleaning are just as important as a healthy hair coat when considering grooming our pets.

How often should I cut my dog’s nails?

There are many factors to consider when determining how often a dog needs their nails trimmed: age, breed, activity level, nail growth patterns, and mobility are all important. Puppies and very young dogs require more frequent trimming as their nails tend to be very sharp and grow quickly with proper nutrition. Trimming the nails every 1-2 weeks is a good place to start when very young. Starting the grooming process at a young age also promotes compliance and a comfort level with handling/grooming. As they start to mature, trimming can be performed every 2-4 weeks. Active adult dogs will normally wear down their nails with regular activity, but it is safe to say nail trims should be performed every 2-3 months. Inactive and/or indoor adult dogs that do not receive long walks, will need to have trims more frequently. Senior dogs tend to be less active and have more mobility issues. Keeping their nails trimmed short and clipping/shaving the hair from under their paws will aid in mobility and sense of stability. Long nails and/or furry feet can increase the risk of injury due to slipping or falling. Always remember to trim the dew claws. The dew claws are the extra toenail higher on the leg. These nails do not contact the ground so tend to grow longer. Some dogs have dew claws only on the front two legs, while other dogs have dew claws on all four limbs. The breed of your dog may also determine the frequency for nail trims. Some breeds, like Boxers and Doberman Pincers, have toes/nail beds that rest fairly high on their foot pads, while other breeds like Basset Hounds and Pugs have low toes/nail beds. Every dog is unique and will require different timelines for trimming. Should you be unsure if your dog requires a trim, please seek advice from a trained animal health care provider. Many animals that are not well behaved for nail trims, will become comfortable over time when this task is done properly and with patience. Nail trimming does not have to be a stressful experience for owner and pet. There are many helpful videos and tutorials online if you would like to perform nail trims at home. Our staff is very experienced and happy to provide safe and efficient nail trims. We are very willing to teach proper technique should you be interested. Some say if you can hear your dog’s nails click when walking on a hard surface, then it’s time for a trim!

How often should my dog have their ear’s cleaned?

Ear cleaning can be divided into two categories: routine and chronic. Routine ear cleaning should be performed when mild debris or wax is noted. Checking your dog’s ears on a regular basis will determine when or if cleaning is needed. Using a gauze or cotton ball, apply a small amount of recommended cleaner and wipe the outer ear canal and ear flap. Never place a cotton swab or any other device into your dog’s ear canal as this has the potential to harm or damage the canal or eardrum. Chronic (or ongoing) cleaning is usually performed due to a medical condition and recommended by your veterinarian. Depending on the underlying condition, cleaning is normally recommended weekly to monthly. It is important to be familiar with what is “normal” for your dog. If you note an odour, discharge, inflammation, redness or your dog shaking their head or excessively pawing at the ears, this could be an indication of infection or parasites (ear mites). Please seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Some breeds, like standard Poodles, tend to have excessive hair growth in the ear canal. Excessive hair traps moisture and debris and can potentially cause irritation and/or infection. “Plucking” the hair on a regular basis is recommended. This should only be performed by a trained animal health care provider or experienced groomer.

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