
The only permanent, reliable way to identify a lost pet and ensure a happy reunion.

Microchipping is a great way to ensure you will get your dog back if he/she gets lost. It is a quick procedure that can be done during surgery or in an appointment.

Why is it important to ensure my dog is microchipped?

It is important to have your dog microchipped in the event your dog is lost at any point. We can scan any lost pet and are able to track down the owners very quickly.

How does a microchip work and is it safe?

Microchips are very safe. It is a small chip the size of a grain of rice. It is inserted just under the skin with a large needle. We can do this when your pet is awake or under anesthetic during a surgery.

How much does it cost to microchip a dog?

This varies depending on how it is performed, whether with another procedure or on its own.

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