Cat Senior Care

A vital service aiding in the detection and management of health issues in elderly pets.

The health of your cat can change quickly as he or she ages. Diseases, such as diabetes and kidney disease, can go unnoticed in their early stages; therefore, knowing how to care for your senior cat is crucial when it comes to proper preventive care and treatment. Early detection can help in disease prevention and minimize suffering. Regular check-ups with your cat’s veterinarian are important to catch early signs of disease, discuss nutrition and exercise recommendations and help develop a treatment plan if diagnosed with any medical conditions.

What are the stages of a senior cat’s life?

The two stages of a senior cat’s life are senior, age 10-13, and geriatric, age 14 and up. There are many different signs of ageing to be aware of. You may notice your cat having difficulty on stairs or jumping up to places they used to reach with ease; they may not be as playful as they once were; and, their appetite, mentality or elimination routine might change. Any time you notice something out of the ordinary, it could be a sign of their body and therefore lifestyle changing due to age.

My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?

It would be best to meet with a veterinarian, so they can do a physical exam and likely some diagnostics to find out the cause of the issue. Things like hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes and other medical conditions can have weight loss as a symptom. Sometimes it comes down to diet as well – as pets age, you may need to adjust their feeding amounts. Speak to your veterinarian so they can establish the best plan for taking care of your feline friend.

How can I care for my senior cat?

Early intervention is important for a more positive prognosis when it comes to medical issues. Scheduling regular checkups with your vet, performing annual screenings like blood work or urinalyses and speaking up any time you notice any changes with your pet are just a few of the things you can do to take care of your senior cat.

What are some common health issues?

Common health issues in senior cats can be arthritis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart disease and kidney disease. If you notice your cat acting differently from their routine or appearing painful in any way, you should contact your veterinarian. Routine wellness checkups are helpful for detecting issues before they become too advanced.

Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?

Behavioral issues can be a sign of something more serious going on internally. Cats who suddenly start hiding away, showing signs of aggression, becoming vocal, not eating/drinking or eating/drinking excessively, not going to the bathroom regularly (outside of litter box or going more or less frequently) or anything out of the ordinary may be a symptom of a medical condition. If you have any concerns, you should contact your veterinarian.

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